The Broken Hearts Gallery
The Broken Hearts Gallery Soundtrack

1. The Broken Hearts Gallery
Genevieve Vincent
2. We're In Business
Genevieve Vincent
3. Knight In Shining Armour
Genevieve Vincent
4. My Consolation Prize
Genevieve Vincent
5. Derailing My Story
Genevieve Vincent
6. Man Of The Hour
Genevieve Vincent
7. Cure What Ails You
Genevieve Vincent
8. Last Night Was Rough
Genevieve Vincent
9. Art In Everything
Genevieve Vincent
10. The Sparkle
Genevieve Vincent
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Volledige cast van The Broken Hearts Gallery:
Geraldine Viswanathan Lucy Gulliver Dacre Montgomery Nick Utkarsh Ambudkar Max Vora Molly Gordon Amanda Phillipa Soo Nadine Arturo Castro Marcos Suki Waterhouse Chloe Sheila McCarthy Cheryl Gulliver Nathan Dales Jeff Ego Nwodim Harvard Megan Ferguson Randy Bernadette Peters Eva Woolf Nikki Duval Willhemina Emma Hunter New York Woman Taylor Hill Taylor Roy Choi Self Tattiawna Jones Dr. Amelia Black Tricia Black Goodwill Worker Ray Kahnert Butler Elon Gold Schmuli Raymond Ablack Clayton Nicholas Carella Karaoke Emcee Trent Pardy Yan Bernard Kay Richard (Old Guy #1) Jack Newman Joe (Old Guy #2) Regisseur
Natalie Krinsky Cinematograaf
Alar Kivilo Componist
Genevieve Vincent Schrijver
Natalie Krinsky Producent
David Gross Voice-overartiesten